Saturday, October 27, 2007

Foam Contest

We got this crazy beaded foam stuff at the toy store that is like play dough but different and decided to have a sculpting contest. We ended up with three snakes in the competition, but I think that is because the orange snake was so cool that imitators followed. Anyway, we have a poll on the top right that you can vote on your favorite. Enjoy...

The competitors side by side

Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Nate Sees

Red Snake by Kiefer Watson

Duck by Elisa Watson

Blue Snake by Jefferson Sees

Snow Man by Erin Sees

Orange Rattle Snake with AWESOME FANGS and eyes that shoot LASERS by Todd Watson


Jeff said...

I vote for laser-eye snake. That's a no brainier. If I was in some kind of trouble, it's laser-eye snake that I'd want on my side. Not some duck, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

These are all pretty rad. Red Snake makes me laugh. I'd vote for the duck if it had laser eyes too ... maybe it does?